Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Demagogglebox - Episode 8 - Better Late Than Never (Recorded 26th APRIL 2017)

In April 2017, Theresa May announced a snap election. Mere moments after this and the Demagogglebox team recorded their thoughts.

More than 6 weeks later, the podcast was edited and here is the result. 

SPOILERS: samples will be used in a future episode of the podcast whereby Hitch can rub it in Alex's face just how much of a wrong'un he is.

Unsually nifty bollocks. 

*** Warning - this is explicit content ***

You can listen to the latest episode of Demagogglebox here.

Subscribe through RSS, iTunes and Stitcher.


Alexander Kealy is on Twitter as @AlexKealy

Richard Hanrahan is on Twitter as @theHitch, Facebook and YouTube. He also makes sketches and podcasts (including the "Great British Bitch Off" and "It Disney Matter! (It does)") with Me3 Comedy (@Me3_Comedy on Twitter)

Friday, 24 March 2017

Demagogglebox - Episode 7 - What is Cuck? (Recorded 13th March 2017)

After a week in the edit our once "on the button as it happens live" podcast reporting on the announcement of IndyRef 2 is here, only a week late. We WILL be going more regular, I swear. 

Usually nifty bollocks. 

*** Warning - this is explicit content ***

You can listen to the latest episode of Demagogglebox here.

Subscribe through RSS, iTunes and Stitcher.


Alexander Kealy is on Twitter as @AlexKealy

Richard Hanrahan is on Twitter as @theHitch, Facebook and YouTube. He also makes sketches and podcasts (including the "Great British Bitch Off" and "It Disney Matter! (It does)") with Me3 Comedy (@Me3_Comedy on Twitter)

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Demagogglebox - Episode 6 - EMERGENCY PODCAST PARODY (Recorded 21st Feb 2017 over lunch)


Recorded 21st February 2017 in a 

Music by Franz Ferdinand, "Demagogue"

All other rights are public domain.

*** Warning - this is explicit content ***

You can listen to the latest episode of Demagogglebox here.

Subscribe through RSS, iTunes and Stitcher.


Alexander Kealy is on Twitter as @AlexKealy

Richard Hanrahan is on Twitter as @theHitch, Facebook and YouTube. He also makes sketches and podcasts (including the "Great British Bitch Off" and "It Disney Matter! (It does)") with Me3 Comedy (@Me3_Comedy on Twitter)

Friday, 10 February 2017

Demagogglebox - Episode 5 - I'm Sure I Had A Funny Name To Put Here (Recorded 2nd Feb 2017)

This week we finally crawled from our proverbial caves to pass comment on Trump's inauguration, and the ramifications of that event for the first podcast of 2017. Including 2 separate musical numbers - you're welcome.

Recorded 2nd February 2017

Music by Franz Ferdinand, "Demagogue"

All other rights are public domain.

*** Warning - this is explicit content ***

You can listen to the latest episode of Demagogglebox here.

Subscribe through RSS, iTunes and Stitcher.


Alexander Kealy is on Twitter as @AlexKealy

Richard Hanrahan is on Twitter as @theHitch, Facebook and YouTube. He also makes sketches and podcasts (including the "Great British Bitch Off" and "It Disney Matter! (It does)") with Me3 Comedy (@Me3_Comedy on Twitter)